PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Utopihen Farms

With a commitment to sustainable farming, the humane treatment of animals, and support for small family farms, Utopihen Farms enters the market with their Certified Humane® Pasture Raised Eggs. Chickens (and ducks) are considered partners in their farming venture and Utopihen Farms urges consumers to ask themselves to imagine what the world would be like if all hens and people worked together taking small steps to add up to big change.

An Innovative Approach to Working With Family Farms

Utopihen Farms help their farmers create thriving businesses where each farmer owns their own farm and hens. This model supports entrepreneurial farming, where farmers make their own business decisions and growing their flocks in the way they desire, while also meeting Utopihen’s requirements for Certified Humane® Pasture Raised, USDA Organic, and non-GMO. By offering support and handling the packaging and selling to retailers, Utopihen Farms takes an expensive and time-consuming aspect of hen farming off the shoulders of small family farms, and means farmers can focus on what’s most important to them — caring for their hens and eggs.

More Than a Brand – a Movement

At Utopihen Farms the future is bright. Not because they see it through rose-colored glasses, but because they work on making it so. And they know you do too. Your desire to care for the earth and every being on it is why Utopihen Farms is committed to Certified Humane® Pasture Raised and why their vision for the future goes even further. Utopihen Farms wants you to know that they are on a very real journey to create a better world through all types of initiatives designed to activate positive change.

To learn more about Utopihen Farms journey, visit

Ingleby Farms – Uruguay

First Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America

Ingleby Farms is the first Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America. The Certified Humane® logo appears on its exported beef products and on products consumed locally in Uruguay, where seven farms with 60 employees are responsible for 17,000 head of cattle, raised open-range, without confinement. Uruguay differs from most other countries in Latin America, in that it has no mountains and very little natural forest. Over 80% of Uruguay’s land area can be used for agriculture and the temperate climate and natural grasslands lend themselves to livestock production.

Since its founding in 1998, Ingleby Farms’ vision of being world-leading sustainable farmers has continuously driven the development of farms producing sound, healthy food on thriving and living farms. Ingleby Farms work hard to grow crops and rear livestock, while actively promoting biodiversity, fertile soils, animal welfare, and greener energy sources.

All livestock are open-range and grass-fed on pastures and natural grasslands and Ingleby Farms raises Black Aberdeen Angus cattle for beef production. Black Aberdeen Angus is a hardy breed, easy to handle, and produces a premium quality meat product. Grass-fed beef comes from cattle raised only on grass or other forage. These cattle spend all their lives outside where they graze on pasture and natural grasslands. In Uruguay, Ingleby Farms’ grass-fed beef production has achieved certifications guaranteeing that their cattle are raised open-range, free of antibiotic and hormones, and have full traceability throughout their lives.

For more information, visit Ingleby Farms at

The Happy Hens Farm – India

Happy Hens Free Range Eggs began on two rural properties located in Trichy, India, a region known for temperate climate, clean air, and excellent water quality. A cooperative of family farmers in the surrounding area work as suppliers for Happy Hens. These local farmers, carefully selected, must provide an environment similar to that of the original farm and the farmers must be passionate about and committed to hen welfare. Happy Hens raise four varieties of indigenous breeds, chosen because they are best suited for backyard poultry. Hens instinctively love the free-range life, foraging for insects, worms and greens, all of which make for a rich diet. They spend their days wandering across green pastures or scratching under the canopy of trees.


One of the indigenous breed is the Kadaknath, popular because of its adaptability to the environment. The bird has a black plumage with a greenish iridescence, black kegs, claws, beak, comb and wattle. The meat and bones of this breed are dark as well.

Birds do not have their beaks trimmed nor their wings clipped. They enjoy a minimum of 45 sqft per bird of range, which means every hen has plenty of space to roam. Happy Hens adopted a method of rotating birds through pastures so they have constant access to greens. Comfortable, clean nesting boxes are provided for hens which in-turn allows them to lay eggs and brood in privacy and security.

Hens are voracious eaters and spend their days foraging for nutritious greens, seeds and bugs. Happy Hen’s pastures have a variety of naturally growing greens and seasonal plants and legumes to enrich the protein content and carotenoid in the hens’ diet. In addition, hens are fed grains, fresh greens, 100% organic herbs, and supplements formulated to meet specific needs. Their diets are free of non-therapeutic antibiotics, free of hormones, and free of synthetic growth promoters.

For more information, visit Happy Hens at

The Country Egg

The Country Egg is proud to be a multi-generational family farm established in the early 1900’s in Oregon.  Today they pasture raise heritage breed hens in Arizona with a strict emphasis on natural and humane welfare practices. Their heritage breeds (Buff Orpingtons, French Black Copper Marans, Cream Legbars, Salmon Faverolles, Dominiques, Lakenvelders, Blue Andalusians, White-faced Black Spanish and Araucana) lay their eggs in the most stunning variety of sizes, shapes and beautiful colors. They specialize in local markets only which includes the Arizona Sprouts Farmers Markets and Whole Foods locations.

The DeSimone family says, “Our birds have an open-door policy that allows them to graze on pasture from dawn ‘til dusk. Our pastures are lush and fortified by re-cycling the chicken compost after every clean-out.  Since the birds are raised in Arizona where they can go out 365 days of the year, we also provide lots of shade, a misting system and cooling fans for their comfort. Grazing on pasture and rangeland gives them the bugs, worms, rocks and greens that produce a nutritious and delicious egg. They also receive a fermented mash of natural grains that make up their main diet, fermented alfalfa mash, loose natural grains like oats and barley, multi-grain scratch, oyster shell, grit, and fruits and vegetables. Additionally, we use Bragg® Organic Apple cider vinegar in their drinking water and diatomaceous earth in their nesting boxes, dusting boxes and throughout the barn. Choosing our eggs not only guarantees a fresh nutritious and delicious egg produced by humane practices, it also allows you to support your local farming community. We are members of the Arizona Farm Bureau and the Certified Humane® Raised and Handled program. Thank you for your support!”

Hart Dairy

Hart Dairy is the single largest source of cows in the United States today that are never confined, environmentally sustainable, roam free-range and are grass-fed 365 days a year. They are redefining the grass-fed standard.

Originally from New Zealand, Dr. Richard Watson is one of the world’s top leaders in research and development related to animal welfare and best-in-class grazing and pasture-based techniques. For over 20 years, he has worked to pioneer the 365-day dairy grazing standard and has invested over $30 million to build the single largest source of cows in the United States that are never confined, environmentally sustainable, roam free-range and are grass-fed 365 days a year.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by Humane Farm Animal Care and proud to have the Certified Humane® label on our Hart Dairy milk bottles,” said Tim Connell, Hart Dairy chief executive officer. “Their seal of approval is a testament to our passion to ensure a healthy living environment for our cows, as they graze free-range on green grass pastures 365 days a year. We truly believe the happiest cows produce the most pure, delicious milk for our customers.”

Hart Dairy believes in HFAC’s Animal Care Standards, which include undergoing third-party inspections to confirm compliance to be certain cows:

  • Are fed nutritious diets without antibiotics, growth promoters and animal byproducts.
  • Receive proper shelter, resting areas and sufficient space to support natural behaviors.

Hart Dairy’s 3,500-plus herd is located just outside of Augusta, Georgia, where annual rainfall and temperature conditions are at a temperate sweet spot. In fact, grazing conditions in this area of the United States are even better than the world-renowned dairy farms found in Richard’s native New Zealand, where 365-day per year grazing techniques began.

Because of the location, investment, global research and development, and Richard’s passion for world-class grazing and pasture-based techniques, Hart Dairy is now the largest 100% free range and grass-fed farming system in North America and is the first and ONLY dairy farm in the United States to produce Certified Humane milk.

To learn more, visit their website at For information on where to buy Hart Dairy products and other Certified Humane® products in your area, visit or download the Certified Humane free product locator mobile app.