(703)435-3883 info@certifiedhumane.org PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Become Certified

How to get started with Certified Humane®? Click below to fill out a brief → CERTIFICATION INQUIRY FORM telling us about your business and we will send you an application packet specific to your needs. Our office hours are 10am – 5pm EST.



How Becoming Certified Humane® Will
Increase Your Sales and Improve Your Bottom Line.

Only the Certified Humane® program brings you all the following benefits. Take advantage of the growing demand for products from humanely raised animals.

It seems like nearly every week a new, high profile book, movie, TV story or newspaper article raises questions about how food animals are treated. As a result, consumer interest in products from animals raised to humane care standards has surged.

The Certified Humane® program is the best way for you to position meat, poultry, egg and dairy products to tap this growing demand. When you become certified, you get credibility from inspection by the independent nonprofit Humane Farm Animal Care. And you reach millions of potential customers through our humane society supporters and the extensive media coverage that Certified Humane® generates.

More and More Customers want to Buy Humane Food.
Grocers, restaurants and food service operators are all hearing from customers asking about how their food is produced. A United Egg Producer survey showed that three quarters of consumers would choose food products certified as protecting animal care over those that are not. Research by Organic Valley demonstrated that more than half would be willing to pay a premium.

Your business customers are responding to this trend. Restaurant Business reported that Certified Humane® animals are gaining popularity among food service purchasers.

“As we go forward, we will be looking to source for our stores from producers that are Certified Humane®.”

– Tom Heinen, Co-President, at Heinen’s Supermarkets

The Certified Humane® label identifies your products to the increasing number of consumers and businesses seeking humane alternatives.

Your Products Gain Credibility with Certified Humane®.
Consumers can be skeptical. A study by The Hartman Group revealed that only 21% of environmentally conscious customers trusted environmental claims made by manufacturers. Shoppers are, no doubt, similarly wary of claims regarding the treatment of animals.

Another survey revealed that 74% of adults rated certification as “extremely important” or “very important” to trusting an environmental label. When you become Certified Humane®, you can tell customers that you’re part of the only program that combines…

  • Management by an independent non-profit organization
  • Annual inspections of producers
  • A “highly meaningful rating” from Consumers Union
  • Recognition by USAToday as a “Gold Standard”
  • Backing by the the Center for Food Safety, the ASPCA, and over 50 other local and regional humane groups

“I thought to validate who and what we have become, [working with] a third-party certifying organization would be the best path to take. That is where I found Humane Farm Animal Care and their Certified Humane® standards. The fit was perfect.”

– Doug Glaum, Glaum Egg Ranch

Your Business Benefits from Greater Visibility.
Our promotion and publicity reach millions of food shoppers. Our humane organization supporters have nearly 20 million constituents who make up the core market for these products. The humane organizations promote the Certified Humane® program on their websites, in their publications, in targeted direct mail and in animal shelters across the country.

Their constituents include advocates who recommend Certified Humane® products – your products – to friends and family. Many grocers are getting requests from these advocates eager to buy humane products and share them with others.

Your reach will extend beyond this core. Numerous publications have featured the Certified Humane® program including USA Today, Good Housekeeping, Vanity Fair, Time Magazine, Saveur and Self.

The Certified Humane® website averages over 12,000 unique visitors per month. It provides information on what products are available and where to buy them. So more consumers, grocers, restaurants and food service operators will find you and your products.

“We’ve researched everyone and you’re the best program out there.”

– Major producer inquiring about Certified Humane®

Learn How to Become Certified
Learn Where to Purchase Certified Products