Cyd Reiman: Against the industrial meat producing complex

Friday, July 19, 2013 
(Published in print: Saturday, July 20, 2013)

To the editor:

In the July 8 edition of the Gazette, a reader posted a letter who expressed “disgust” over the violent mistreatment of animals who are killed to supply meat to Walmart. Unfortunately, most meat we humans consume whether it is from a grocery store or restaurant is supplied by factory farms and slaughter houses that mistreat both the animals and the people that work there.

I myself have adopted a policy of not eating meat unless I know it has been supplied by local farmers, or from a meat supplier that has been approved and certified as a humane enterprise. I am also a hunter, and periodically raise and kill other animals for my own consumption. I know what it means to kill my meat.

If you want to educate yourself, the Jones Library has documentary films such as “Food Inc.” There are also books such as “Omnivores Dilemma.” Go to the website to find a list of meat suppliers who have been Certified Humane® and look for their products in stores.

If you eat inhumanely produced meat, you uphold the industrial meat producing complex. Put your conscience where your mouth is.

Cyd Reiman


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