PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

From How to be an ethical shopper: part two

By Daniel Nowland, February 29, 2016 In Food waste for With so much talk of sustainability, seasonality and animal welfare surrounding the food we eat, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin if we want to align the food we’re buying with our own personal values. In this second part of my article on …

DuBreton® is number one producer of Certified Humane® organic pork

January 26, 2016, CANADA – Two key trends are changing family mealtime in Canada: time-crunched home cooks are no longer willing to sacrifice healthy and good for quick and processed, and there is a growing movement of consumers who care about ethical food production and what we choose to eat and share with our families. …

Why the egg industry is scrambling to set hens free

Governments, activists and big brands like McDonald’s and Nestle are putting increased pressure on egg producers to raise their hens more sustainably by Marc Gunther, December 28, 2015, The Guardian Americans eat about 265 eggs per person per year, according to the American Egg Board, and roughly nine in 10 are laid by hens confined …

PETA, Certified Humane spar over Tasty Burger marketing

By Lisa M. Keefe on 12/28/2015 on The Tasty Burger chain, with five locations in the Boston area, is at the center of a holiday tiff over humane handling between People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), which audits operations and allows qualified companies to use the …