PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Yahoo! News

Additionally, all meats – some 285,000 burgers, 260,000 hot dogs and 280,000 chicken tender meals per year – will carry either Certified Humane®, Global Animal Partnership or Animal Welfare Approved certification.

The Frederick News-Post

South Mountain Creamery makes its own ice cream at its 1,600-acre farm at 8305 Bolivar Road, Middletown. The farm milks about 300 cows, and sells milk, ice cream, Certified Humane® eggs, meat, cheese, butter and many other products raised on the farm or provided by nearby vendors.

“Our turkeys meet the very strict Certified Humane® guidelines and we scored 100 percent on a turkey welfare and humane practices audit by Steritech,” Koch says. The guidelines take into account the practical standards for the proper care and treatment of turkeys.