First Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America

Ingleby Farms is the first Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America. The Certified Humane® logo appears on its exported beef products and on products consumed locally in Uruguay, where seven farms with 60 employees are responsible for 17,000 head of cattle, raised open-range, without confinement. Uruguay differs from most other countries in Latin America, in that it has no mountains and very little natural forest. Over 80% of Uruguay’s land area can be used for agriculture and the temperate climate and natural grasslands lend themselves to livestock production.
Since its founding in 1998, Ingleby Farms’ vision of being world-leading sustainable farmers has continuously driven the development of farms producing sound, healthy food on thriving and living farms. Ingleby Farms work hard to grow crops and rear livestock, while actively promoting biodiversity, fertile soils, animal welfare, and greener energy sources.

All livestock are open-range and grass-fed on pastures and natural grasslands and Ingleby Farms raises Black Aberdeen Angus cattle for beef production. Black Aberdeen Angus is a hardy breed, easy to handle, and produces a premium quality meat product. Grass-fed beef comes from cattle raised only on grass or other forage. These cattle spend all their lives outside where they graze on pasture and natural grasslands. In Uruguay, Ingleby Farms’ grass-fed beef production has achieved certifications guaranteeing that their cattle are raised open-range, free of antibiotic and hormones, and have full traceability throughout their lives.
For more information, visit Ingleby Farms at
Ingleby Farms – Uruguay
Posted: February 17, 2021 by Certified Humane®
First Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America
Ingleby Farms is the first Certified Humane® beef company in Latin America. The Certified Humane® logo appears on its exported beef products and on products consumed locally in Uruguay, where seven farms with 60 employees are responsible for 17,000 head of cattle, raised open-range, without confinement. Uruguay differs from most other countries in Latin America, in that it has no mountains and very little natural forest. Over 80% of Uruguay’s land area can be used for agriculture and the temperate climate and natural grasslands lend themselves to livestock production.
Since its founding in 1998, Ingleby Farms’ vision of being world-leading sustainable farmers has continuously driven the development of farms producing sound, healthy food on thriving and living farms. Ingleby Farms work hard to grow crops and rear livestock, while actively promoting biodiversity, fertile soils, animal welfare, and greener energy sources.
All livestock are open-range and grass-fed on pastures and natural grasslands and Ingleby Farms raises Black Aberdeen Angus cattle for beef production. Black Aberdeen Angus is a hardy breed, easy to handle, and produces a premium quality meat product. Grass-fed beef comes from cattle raised only on grass or other forage. These cattle spend all their lives outside where they graze on pasture and natural grasslands. In Uruguay, Ingleby Farms’ grass-fed beef production has achieved certifications guaranteeing that their cattle are raised open-range, free of antibiotic and hormones, and have full traceability throughout their lives.
For more information, visit Ingleby Farms at
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