Chicago Tribune : A Label for Lovers of Meat, and Animals

A new label is being launched for consumers concerned about the treatment of farm animals that supply meat, poultry, dairy and egg products. A “Certified Humane Raised & Handled” label attests to the humane treatment, transport and slaughter of the animals involved.

Administered by the non-profit Humane Farm Animal Care, the program is funded in part by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Humane Society of the United States and several state humane societies across the country.

“The motivation is that the humane community will demand this product, and [participating producers] will have a bigger market, and hopefully, they’ll be paid a little more for this,” said Adele Douglass, executive director of Humane Farm Animal Care.

Five producers are currently participating in the new program. Of those five, only du Breton pork is sold locally, at Whole Foods Markets.