PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Korin (Brazil) Agropecuária

Founded in 1994 in São Paulo state, Korin is a Brazilian company that follows the Natural Agriculture principles, a model proposed by Mokiti Okada (Japan, 1882 – 1955). Okada’s philosophical approaches led the company to create a distinguished production system looking at the worldwide trends of progressive food production such as the producer and consumers´ …

Stiebrs Farms

Stiebrs Farms began as the American dream of Latvian immigrants Jan and Zelma Stiebrs, who purchased 100 hens with the idea of selling fresh eggs in 1953. Now one of the Northwest’s premier cage-free and organic egg producers, the Yelm, Washington-based company distributes its eggs throughout the Northwest. The business is still family-run by Jan’s …

Vital Farms

In 2007, Matt O’Hayer and his wife, Catherine, founded Vital Farms with a small plot of farmland, 20 laying hens and a bucket of good intentions. Their mission: to bring high quality, ethically produced eggs to the table through the humane treatment of their hens through the Pasture-Raised farming method. Animal welfare and the humane …