Posted by John Gray on 2012-12-07 7:54:00 AM

There’s no shortage of companies who care.

There’s people running businesses making sustainable products, using sustainable practices, and who are extending profit through their entire supply chain. There are people running businesses that are growing food and making food that’s healthier for us too. There are more consumers wanting to buy sustainable products, as well as fresher, natural and healthier foods.

The challenge is connecting the people who make good things with the people who want those good things.

Vancouver’s Brandtree is taking on that challenge and connecting brands with mobile customers. They are working with some really amazing values-driven brands. Brands like Certified Humane, who is leading the effort to improve the lives of farm animals.

To complement their website locator, they announced the release of a mobile application: “with over 7,000 supermarkets across North America selling products that are Certified Humane, consumers should be able to find products wherever they are,” said Adele Douglass, HFAC Founder and CEO. “This tool connects consumers and businesses by providing consumers with what they have been asking us for, ‘at-their-fingertips access’ and rewards retailers who carry Certified Humane products with more business.”

Read the complete article here.