Your contribution helps us change the way farm animals are raised, and helps us spread the word about humane alternatives to factory farming.
By supporting the Certified Humane® program, you enable us to help more of the 10 billion farm animals suffering in the U.S. each year.
Your $50 donation will improve the lives of over 1,600 farm animals, $100 dollars will improve the lives of over 3,200 animals, and $200 will improve the lives of over 6,600 animals.
There is so much more still to be done. We need to hire and train more inspectors; conduct more farm and slaughter facility inspections nationwide; and produce and distribute more educational material for consumers, grocers, and farmers.
When you consider the number of animals affected by industrialized food production, the magnitude of the suffering and the efficiency of the Certified Humane® program, it adds up to the best possible use of time, energy and funds to help farm animals.
Make a difference for animals today!
There are several ways to donate. The easiest way to support Certified Humane® is to donate online by credit card, which will take you to a secure online donation page for Humane Farm Animal Care. You may make a one-time donation or even set-up a recurring donation for monthly. (Recurring donations are a wonderful way to support our work while helping us to reduce the administrative costs associated with processing gifts.)

Send a check or money order
You may also send your donation directly to Humane Farm Animal Care by mailing a check or money order payable to: Humane Farm Animal Care PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20117
Include us in your will or trust
Tax ID Number: 47-0910622
Another way to support our work on behalf of farm animals is to make a bequest to Humane Farm Animal Care through your will or trust. Bequests allow interested donors to make significant contributions without decreasing assets during their lifetime. If you would like more information about making a planned gift, please do not hesitate to contact us, or speak with your attorney about including HFAC in your estate plan. Humane Farm Animal Care is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is eligible to receive charitable contributions under section 170. To learn more about Leaving a Legacy click here. Donations to HFAC may be tax deductible depending on your individual circumstances.
Designate to CFC #12242
If you are a federal employee, consider designating your Combined Federal Campaign contribution to Humane Farm Animal Care. Please choose #12242. Your support will help us improve the lives of animals on America’s farms through the Certified Humane program.
Want to receive updates, news and information on the Certified Humane® program? Click here.
Your contribution helps us change the way farm animals are raised, and helps us spread the word about humane alternatives to factory farming.
By supporting the Certified Humane® program, you enable us to help more of the 10 billion farm animals suffering in the U.S. each year.
There is so much more still to be done. We need to hire and train more inspectors; conduct more farm and slaughter facility inspections nationwide; and produce and distribute more educational material for consumers, grocers, and farmers.
When you consider the number of animals affected by industrialized food production, the magnitude of the suffering and the efficiency of the Certified Humane® program, it adds up to the best possible use of time, energy and funds to help farm animals.
Make a difference for animals today!
There are several ways to donate. The easiest way to support Certified Humane® is to donate online by credit card, which will take you to a secure online donation page for Humane Farm Animal Care. You may make a one-time donation or even set-up a recurring donation for monthly. (Recurring donations are a wonderful way to support our work while helping us to reduce the administrative costs associated with processing gifts.)
Send a check or money order
You may also send your donation directly to Humane Farm Animal Care by mailing a check or money order payable to: Humane Farm Animal Care PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20117
Include us in your will or trust
Tax ID Number: 47-0910622
Another way to support our work on behalf of farm animals is to make a bequest to Humane Farm Animal Care through your will or trust. Bequests allow interested donors to make significant contributions without decreasing assets during their lifetime. If you would like more information about making a planned gift, please do not hesitate to contact us, or speak with your attorney about including HFAC in your estate plan. Humane Farm Animal Care is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is eligible to receive charitable contributions under section 170. To learn more about Leaving a Legacy click here. Donations to HFAC may be tax deductible depending on your individual circumstances.
Designate to CFC #12242
If you are a federal employee, consider designating your Combined Federal Campaign contribution to Humane Farm Animal Care. Please choose #12242. Your support will help us improve the lives of animals on America’s farms through the Certified Humane program.
Want to receive updates, news and information on the Certified Humane® program? Click here.