SFGate.com: Looking For Humanely Raised Eggs and Meats

Enough with the foie gras flap. How about all those other millions of cruelly treated animals that go into things like omelets and hamburgers?  Michael Bauer takes a look at Certified Humane. [SF Gate/Between Meals]

Many Bay Area restaurants source humanely raised eggs and meat, like these eggs from Marin Sun Farms, even if they don’t mention it on the menu.

I appreciated your thoughtful dialogue with PETA on foie gras. I struggle with being a carnivore. I’ve been a vegetarian but abandoned it with much shame. One thing I would like is the opportunity to support restaurants that serve certified humane dairy and meat products. When I go to the Certified Humane Web site, I only find two California restaurants that serve certified humane products, and both are in the Bay Area. Perhaps if a food power broker such as you suggested to local restaurants that they consider offering a dish or two using certified humane meats, we might begin to make a small dent in the inhumane treatment of animals.