Food Label Terminology

by Erica Marcus


Calling a food “natural” is rather faint praise. The USDA defines natural meat and poultry as “minimally processed” and containing no artificial ingredients, flavoring, color or preservatives.


In theory, a humanely raised animal has been allowed to engage in natural behaviors, has had sufficient space, shelter and gentle handling to limit stress, and eats a healthful diet without added antibiotics or hormones. But unless a third-party (such as Humane Farm Animal Care; has certified such treatment, you have to trust the producer.


Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without most conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, bioengineering or radiation. Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are fed only organic grain, fruits andvegetables and have been given no antibiotics or growth hormones. “Certified organic” means the food in question has been inspected and approved as organic by the USDA. Bear in mind that obtaining organic certification is expensive and some smaller farms adhere to organic practices without getting certified.


Antibiotics keep farm animals from succumbing to bacterial infection, but they thereby end up in our food supply; thus consumers can look for antibiotic-free meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. While the USDA does not permit farmers to treat poultry with hormones (i.e. all poultry and poultry products are hormone-free), hormones are commonly given to cattle to stimulate milk production and weight gain. Hormone-free beef is from cattle that have not been given artificial hormones.