Want to make a difference for the environment? Rethink your kitchen.
By Rodale News Wed, May 02 2012 at 6:01 PM EST

Photo: amiefedora/Flickr

We all eat. It’s kind of necessary for our survival, after all. And to survive, we spend a lot of money and energy making food choices every day that impact the future of planet. Rather than focusing on light bulbs or hybrid cars, take stock of your kitchen. How can you make it more sustainable, more efficient, or healthier both for you and the planet? Here are our 10 suggestions.

8. Look for green meat. When you do opt for meat, look for greener meats from animals raised on grass. Ask a farmer how his animals were raised or look for reliable certifications such as Certified Organic, Certified Humane®, or Animal Welfare Approved. And choose ocean-friendly, omega-3-rich fish from the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Superfish list. All consume less energy to produce and emit fewer greenhouse-gas emissions than their factory-farmed counterparts.

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