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A while ago, I developed an aversion to eating eggs that were brought to us by cramped, hormone filled and overly lit hens. I don’t know, it’s just a personal thing, I guess.

It used to be tough to find “free range, vegetarian fed, organic” hen eggs up until a few years ago. Something must have changed, because they seem to be all over the place now. I think I am not alone in my aversion any more.

We usually purchase two dozen eggs when we visit Costco up in Enfield, CT. I forget what brand we get, but it’s a two-pack and says all the stuff I want to see on the cartons (the stuff I mentioned above). Now, if you have ever shopped at Costco, you know that inventory changes quite radically. What you find one day, you may never find again. That was the case yesterday.

When we arrived at Costco’s egg section, I was disappointed to find no more two-packs. All I could find were a whole load of 18-egg cartons that said “Certified Humane – Raised & Handled.” They were being sold under the Kirkland brand (Costco).

I called over to my lady and said, “Hey cutie pie, what does this “Certified Humane” mean? Is it what I think it is or is it just another sneaky marketing fabrication? She didn’t know, so we made a leap of faith. We bought 36 eggs with a promise that we would research the topic.

I am happy to report that we purchased eggs that were not offered up by abused and tortured hens. I found a press release on the “Certified Humane” label this morning. Check it out.