App-etite for humane certified meat?
September 10, 2013
When you find yourself in a new town – on a business trip, a vacation, or you’ve moved — chances are you don’t even know where the post office is, let alone a store that sells grass-fed steak. It can be a challenge to eat humanely on the road. But a new smartphone app will help you find grocery stores where you can buy meat that’s been certified for humane treatment. And another new app can help you figure out meat labels once you’re in the store.
Certified Humane
Nearly 10,000 stores in all 50 states and Canada carry products that are Certified Humane. When you see this label, you know the animals were raised according to strict standards: no crates, cages, or tie-stalls, and the animals were allowed enough space to exhibit their natural behaviors. Read more here about Humane Farm Animal Care, which administers the Certified Humane label — it’s one of 4 organizations in the U.S. that certify meat for humane treatment.
When you hop onto the Certified Humane app (free for download from the iTunes store for iPhone, or from Google Play for Android) you can put in a zip code or a city/town and not only find stores near you that carry Certified Humane products but what, exactly, they carry. I learned, for instance, that a Price Chopper near me sells Certified Humane bacon and Certified Humane cage-free eggs. Or, click on “Buy Online” and you’ll get a list of farms and companies that sell Certified Humane products online (good for folks who don’t live near a store with certified products).
According to Humane Farm Animal Care, 12,000 new users a month are discovering the Certified Humane mobile app. Use it to discover some humanely raised meat wherever you are.
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Posted: September 23, 2013 by Certified Humane
App-etite for humane certified meat?
September 10, 2013
When you find yourself in a new town – on a business trip, a vacation, or you’ve moved — chances are you don’t even know where the post office is, let alone a store that sells grass-fed steak. It can be a challenge to eat humanely on the road. But a new smartphone app will help you find grocery stores where you can buy meat that’s been certified for humane treatment. And another new app can help you figure out meat labels once you’re in the store.
Certified Humane
When you hop onto the Certified Humane app (free for download from the iTunes store for iPhone, or from Google Play for Android) you can put in a zip code or a city/town and not only find stores near you that carry Certified Humane products but what, exactly, they carry. I learned, for instance, that a Price Chopper near me sells Certified Humane bacon and Certified Humane cage-free eggs. Or, click on “Buy Online” and you’ll get a list of farms and companies that sell Certified Humane products online (good for folks who don’t live near a store with certified products).
According to Humane Farm Animal Care, 12,000 new users a month are discovering the Certified Humane mobile app. Use it to discover some humanely raised meat wherever you are.
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