Fox News – HFAC Named as Top Ten Trusted Source of Protein

By Jeremy Berger for
January 16, 2011

Eating a medium-rare burger or a strip steak marbled to the gills with fat is one of life’s simple pleasures, and not something we plan on giving up.

The trouble is that mass food production and marketing aren’t regulated in a way that’s safe for consumers or the environment. There have been 16 E. coli outbreaks from ground beef in the past three years, including a big one last summer that exposed food giants like Cargill for selling burgers that were basically a mash-up of low-grade scraps treated with chemicals and rarely checked for contamination. The story doesn’t get any prettier with factory farms turning out antibiotic-pumped chicken/pork/dairy, or the tons of fish feces sludge that careless aquaculture lets loose into the oceans.

But enough with the grim news. The market for wholesome animal protein that’s both planet-safe and damn tasty is getting stronger. Labels are improving, small producers are becoming more accessible, and some big companies are catching on. Here are 10 trusted sources of protein you can pick up in many states across the country.

Humane Farm Animal Care & Certified Humane Raised and Handled Label

This is a labeling program born of a partnership with Humane Farm Animal Care, the Humane Society of the United States and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. If you see the label on dairy, meat or poultry it means that the animals were treated with a high set of standards from birth to slaughter: no antibiotics or hormones, plenty of space and limited stress, and none of the gnarly chicken bashing you’ve seen in videos about KFC. Some of the brands sold nationally include Meyer Natural Angus Beef, Murray’s Chicken (only in the Northeast), Newman Farm Heritage Berkshire Pork, Applegate Farms, and Born Free Eggs. How will you recognize the label? The name is so damn long you can’t miss it.

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