Eggology Egg Whites Celebrates Earth Day

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To celebrate Earth Day 2009, Eggology – the leader in the all-natural egg whites industry – invites you to renew your commitment to building a healthier and more sustainable world. To support this year’s Earth Day celebration, Eggology encourages you to share your dedication to planet Earth by submitting a description, photograph or video showcasing your eco-friendly actions to

The Eggology web site will showcase submissions and inspire additional eco-friendly deeds with helpful tips on how to make even more of a difference in 2009! Additionally, the most eggcellent Earth-friendly deed will receive an eggcellent prize– a case of Eggology liquid egg whites!

Eggology is also donating a percentage of all online sales made before April 22, 2009 to the Earth Day Network, an organization that uses education, public policy, and consumer activism campaigns to promote the inalienable human right to a healthy, sustainable environment.

“We were inspired by seeing the connection between the vulnerability of a delicate egg and the fragility of the environmentally-challenged planet we all live on,” said Eggology founder Brad Halpern. “Earth Day is a great time to educate and energize the population to take action so we can build and protect a better future for our planet and its children.”

According to Halpern, Eggology celebrates Earth Day year-round as an environmentally conscious company that has been Certified Humane while boasting sustainable packaging and an Eco-Team staffed by company executives and employees.