PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Leesburg Today/ Loundon Business

Chef Jamie Oliver recommended the Certified Humane® program to Sobeys after his team visited many farms and ranches on the Certified Humane® program in the US and Canada, including duBreton, which has been Certified Humane® for over ten years, and Aspen Ridge Natural Beef, which has been Certified Humane® for two years.

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Humane Farm Animal Care® (HFAC), the leading non-profit certification organization improving the lives of farm animals in food production, announced today that four of their Certified Humane® producers have been chosen as the only meat suppliers to Sobeys “Better Food For All” program.

Las Vegas Business Press

Sobeys, a national retailer in Canada, launched the “Better Food For All” initiative “to make better food accessible to Canadians.” Chef Jamie Oliver is a key consultant on the project and advocated the selection of the Certified Humane® certification to be required for the Sobeys “Better Food for All” program.

Las Cruces Sun-News

“The Certified Humane programme supports our beliefs about raising the bar in animal farming.  This helps the animals, the environment, and gives us a much better, more sustainable food product.  We really believe in higher-welfare farming as a great solution to quality food that is accessible and affordable,” said Nowland.