(703)435-3883 info@certifiedhumane.org PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118


The happy egg co is recognised by Certified Humane®, a third-party animal welfare certification programme that covers everything from a hen’s living conditions to their feed, and the expertise of their caregivers.

Spend Matters

The Value of Supplier Management and Traceability: Margins in the Check-Out Aisle: In certain cases, entire supply chains are moving in the sustainability and traceability direction. Take eggs, for example. Safeway “announced in December that it has become the first major national retailer to require all of its organic and cage-free egg suppliers be “Certified Humane®” by the nonprofit third-party label organization Humane Farm Animal Care.”

Environmental Leader

Most Food Companies ‘Lack Animal Welfare Policy’: The food industry is not properly managing or reporting on farm animal welfare, and a majority of global food companies have yet to even publish a formal animal welfare policy, according to a report by Business Benchmark on Animal Welfare.