(703)435-3883 info@certifiedhumane.org PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Farmington Daily Times

Jamie Oliver’s Technical Development Manager, Daniel Nowland has spent time working with all of the farming groups involved, ensuring standards are at a level which supports Jamie Oliver’s campaigning in the farmed animal sector.  Jamie Oliver’s team works globally to improve the lives of farm animals, which they believe in turn improves the quality of the food produced.


Humane Farm Animal Care® (HFAC), the leading non-profit certification organization improving the lives of farm animals in food production, announced today that four of their Certified Humane® producers have been chosen as the only meat suppliers to Sobeys “Better Food For All” program.

EMoney Daily

Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals by certifying their humane treatment. Supported by more than 50 humane organizations, the Certified Humane Raised and Handled® program is nationally recognized as theGold Standard for certifying animal welfare from birth through slaughter.

Denver Business Journal

“Animal welfare is a priority for our company and the Certified Humane® certification fits in perfectly with our values as a company and gives our customers the assurance that Aspen Ridge’s products meet the highest animal welfare standards,” explains Cody Schadegg, Program Manager.


“At duBreton, we believe that hog farms can be efficient and profitable while using sustainable farming practices and raising animals in ways that reduce stress by providing spacious shelter, comfortable resting areas, proper facilities, and the freedom to express normal behavior,” says Vincent Breton, The President of duBreton.


“The Certified Humane programme supports our beliefs about raising the bar in animal farming.  This helps the animals, the environment, and gives us a much better, more sustainable food product.  We really believe in higher-welfare farming as a great solution to quality food that is accessible and affordable,” said Nowland.