(703)435-3883 info@certifiedhumane.org PO Box 82 Middleburg, VA 20118

Does PETA have the right to determine what’s “humane” considering their view on animals?

By Adele Douglass, Executive Director for Humane Farm Animal Care I don’t think you can stand in the way of progress for farm animals, euthanize more dogs and cats than other animal shelters, and still call yourself a “humane” organization. The PETA animal shelter in Norfolk, Va., euthanizes dogs and cats in far greater numbers than does other …

Certified Humane ranks #1 in Food Demand Survey

Jayson Lusk, food and agricultural economist, recently reported on the December 2015 edition of the Food Demand Survey (FooDS), which tracks consumer preferences and sentiments on the safety, quality, and price of food at home and away from home with particular focus on meat demand. One of the questions added this month dealt with “consumer perceptions …

We just wanted to share some of our advertising with you

Anthem Motorsports contacted us because they thought their NASCAR fans would be interested in the Certified Humane® program. We ran an ad in The ANNUAL racing magazine this season and we’re already set up to run another ad at the start of the 2016 racing season. Click here to see: Certified Humane NASCAR Ad

More than 12 years ago, HFAC set the standard to keep antibiotics and growth hormones out of our food supply

Here’s why. Humane Farm Animal Care’s Animal Care Standards ensure that farm animals in our program don’t live in cages or gestation crates, but on farms where they have space to flap their wings and exhibit natural behaviors. Our Animal Care Standards also prevent the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and animal by-products in farm …

Did you know that animal liberation groups and activists attack animal rights and animal welfare groups all the time?

Working on farm animal issues is perhaps the most difficult of all animal welfare work. That’s because there are animal liberation activists who often attack groups like ours daily. Every morning, I open hate emails that call me a “murderer” and tell me that the only way to be humane is to become a vegan. …

Want to be sure your chicken REALLY is humanely-raised?

Did you hear the news? This week, one of the nation’s largest poultry companies was forced to remove their “humanely-raised” label from their chicken products. Under their current program, they used current industry practices to base their claim. As you know, that could never happen under Humane Farm Animal Care’s (HFAC) Certified Humane® program. Since …

Promise of research being funded to eliminate inhumane culling of male chicks in the poultry-breeding industry

One of the current standard practices of poultry breeding companies that supply egg-laying hens to the egg farming industry is the way breeders of laying hens eliminate male chicks. This is a global issue. Some of the methods used for disposal of male chicks are: High Speed Maceration, Carbon Dioxide (gas) they are the most …

Truth in labeling

Many years ago I learned that the best defense is a good offense… When I started the program, there were producers who would say they would not be on our program because our standards weren’t high enough… I would ask, “What standards specifically are you referring to?”  They would not respond.  The reason they would …