Leave a Legacy
By: Kevin Spafford, Legacy Project

Kevin Spafford is the monthly succession planning columnist for Farm Journal, author of Legacy by Design: Succession Planning for Agribusiness Owners, and has been featured in many industry publications and televised segments.

The Outcome of Humane Treatment
May 31, 2011
From Legacy Moment eNewsletter (05/27/2011)

It was a true honor to spend the day with Temple Grandin, in Denver, Colorado. As many of you are aware, Dr. Grandin is a well-respected expert in proper livestock handling techniques and the humane treatment of farm animals. She’s been instrumental in transforming the livestock industries in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

While her methods rest on the morals of proper treatment, her techniques generate positive results for the farmer, the animal and the consumer. Dr. Grandin serves on the scientific committee for Humane Farm Animal Care, an organization that certifies operations ‘humane’ based on some strict guidelines, including:

•    Access to wholesome and nutritious feed
•    Appropriate environmental design
•    Caring and responsible planning and management
•    Skilled, knowledgeable and conscientious animal care
•    Considerate handling, transport and slaughter

Look for my ‘Legends of Leadership’ interview with Dr. Temple Grandin on a future episode of ‘Leave a Legacy.’