Feb. 7, 2012
Source: Eggology, Inc. news release

Eggology, Inc., a leading processor of liquid organic and all natural egg white products, has become the first California egg products company to commit to having 100% of their egg products made from Proposition 2 compliant eggs, and to have all of their cage-free products made from Certified Humane® eggs.

Proposition 2, passed by Californians in 2008, mandates that all chickens must be raised outside of restrictive battery cages by 2015, while the Certified Humane® seal assures customers that the product meets strict animal welfare standards (including space and air quality requirements, no sub-therapeutic antibiotics, and environmental enrichment such as perching and litter).

The news follows fast on the heels of the reintroduction to U.S. retailers of the Eggology brand, first launched in 1983. In January of this year, Eggology rolled out a refreshed brand identity, bold standout packaging for improved visibility on the shelf and a more competitive price point structure.

“Since day one Eggology has strived to be a pioneer in the egg whites business,” says Tony Dryak, Chief Eggsecutive, Eggology, Inc. “Our products come from a family of small farms where we maintain the highest care and quality standards– so complying with Certified Humane® standards and Prop 2 is high on our agenda. We’re thrilled to be the first to receive certification, but really running a humane production is an ongoing day-in, day-out commitment to care.”

“We are delighted that Eggology has earned the Certified Humane® certification for their cage-free liquid products,” said Adele Douglass, Executive Director of Humane Farm Animal Care, the non-profit that administers the Certified Humane® program. “We applaud their commitment to supporting humane farming practices.”

The refreshed Eggology brand includes dramatic, highly visible packaging color-coded for consumers to more easily identify cage free versus organic product selections on grocery store shelves. Available in four sizes – 16oz, 32oz, 64oz and 128oz, Eggology egg whites include nothing but egg whites and can be stored unopened in a refrigerator for up to two months. New reduced price points reflect an adjustment intended to offer better opportunity for margins to retailers and savings to consumers.

“We’re making some major strides forward as a brand and a company,” adds Dryak. “For us, 2012 is all about commitment to ensuring our products are produced in the most humane manner possible and brought to market in a way that both helps our retailers and delights our customers.”

For more information on Eggology products, availability and pricing visit

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